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Performing Hair Transplantation With Hair Taken From Someone Else

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The process that initiates the hair transplant treatment is directly proportional to the finding of the appropriate donor area. Finding the donor area that will meet the #graft need for the area to be transplanted makes the process safer and easier.

 The hair follicles required for hair transplantation are taken from the temples and nape of the people. When there are not enough hair follicles in these areas, hair follicles can be taken from the hairs on the chest wall and arms of the person.

 In people with alopecia universalis type of hair and hair loss, a suitable donor area cannot be found due to the loss of all hairs in the body. Or the large area to be transplanted on the scalp makes it difficult to find enough hair follicles. This situation is often in people's minds, "Is someone else's hair follicles suitable for hair transplantation?" raises the question.

 Even if people have first-degree relatives or donor candidates whose tissue matches one-to-one, unfortunately, #hair #transplantation #operation cannot be performed with hair follicles taken from another person. However, studies and experiments in this area continue. The first of these experiments was conducted in 1999 by Dr. Colin Jahoda and his wife, Dr. Amanda Reynolds .It is mentioned in many sources that it was performed by Dr. Amanda Reynolds. Dr. Colin Jahoda’s hair follicles taken from Colin Jahoda's scalp were given to his wife, Dr. Amanda Reynolds. It was transplanted into Amanda Reynolds' arm. When the results were tracked, it turned out that the hair growing on Amanda Reynolds' arm carried male chromosomes and that her body did not reject male tissue.

In another study, some of the #hair #root transfers between identical twins had positive results, while others had negative results. In other words, the developments in this field are still at the experimental level.

Transplantation of hair follicles taken from someone else can actually be thought of as an organ transplant. 5000 grafts taken from someone else is like an organ transplant applied to the person who had a hair transplant. Each of them may be incompatible when first planted, or the body may reject it later, even though it seems to adapt at first.

Considering all these details, the transplantation of hair follicles taken from someone else cannot be performed for now.