تساعدنا ملفات تعريف الارتباط في توفير تجربة مستخدم أفضل. باستخدام موقعنا على الويب ، فإنك توافق على استخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط.

الرجاء إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك المقابل لحسابك. سيتم إرسال كلمة مرور جديدة إليك عبر البريد الإلكتروني.


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Modernized hair transplant operations now enable much faster, safer and more comfortable treatments. For this reason, people who want to have hair treatment can travel all over the world for hair transplantation.

 People traveling to different countries for hair transplantation are recommended to stay for a few days after the surgery session. The length of the hair transplant session and the number of #grafts transferred are among the main factors that determine the accommodation process.

 In the first 48 hours after hair transplantation, people may feel swelling on the face and scalp due to edema. After 48 hours, this feeling of swelling goes away on its own. Again, painkillers recommended by the specialist physician can be used against the pain felt after the #hair transplant #operation.

The best time to travel after hair transplantation is a few days after hair graft transfer. The risk of infection is lower and crusting has occurred. Before traveling, people should definitely go to the specialist doctor who performed the procedure. They need to get detailed information about the situations they need to pay attention to in their daily lives and the process until full recovery.

 The high pressure they will be exposed to in the plane is a concern for people who will travel by plane. As a matter of fact, the high pressure that is actually exposed can cause skin stress in the planting area due to stress. Actually, this is a psychological condition. In addition, people should protect the hair transplant area from impacts during travel and minimize the risk by not placing items in the overhead luggage compartment. Also, alcoholic beverages should be avoided in the treats given on the plane. Alcohol can dilute the blood and cause bleeding in the donor area. In order to prevent sweating during the journey, in-car air conditioners should be used, dust should be avoided, and the area where the hair transplant was applied should be protected from the seats, etc. Care should be taken not to rub them on places of transplantation.