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الرجاء إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك المقابل لحسابك. سيتم إرسال كلمة مرور جديدة إليك عبر البريد الإلكتروني.

What is Trichology Treatment?

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Trichology examination is the first examination for hair transplantation. In the trichology examination, the areas where the hair transplantation will be performed and whether the donor area is suitable or not, as well as the appropriate hair transplantation technique are determined. The processing program is created.

Different tests may be requested by the doctor who performs the trichology examination. If the test results are positive, planning for hair transplantation is carried out. In addition, the test results also provide information about the factors that cause hair loss. More successful results are obtained with hair transplantation applications applied according to the reason and type of shedding.

In addition, in the trichology examination;

-- Personalized drug treatments are arranged according to the need.

-- Anamnesis is taken. Anamnesis is the process of collecting information about the medical history of the person who will undergo hair transplantation. The doctor who will perform the procedure can find the opportunity to get to know the candidate for hair transplantation medically.

-- If the donor area of ​​the person is examined and an abnormality is detected, the appropriate treatment process can be started in order to obtain healthier roots in hair transplantation. In addition, hair tips can be examined under a microscope to obtain information about the hair structure.

-- A biopsy procedure can be applied to the skin in order to determine the condition of the hair roots.

-- Details of the planning are conveyed. Detailed information is given on the issues that need to be done before and after hair transplantation.