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What You Need to Know About Grafts

0 تعليقات msevinc

The graft is a piece of tissue that carries a strand of hair taken from the donor area and transplanted into the opened canal. Hairs taken from any part of the body are considered "grafts". If the hair-bearing tissue, that is, the grafts, has a fleshy tissue, it is called a "follicular structure".

 Obtaining grafts differs in each hair transplantation technique. For example; In FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) hair transplantation technique, grafts are removed from the donor area in strips, while in FUE (Follicular unit extraction) technique, the natural structure of the donor area is collected without damaging it.

 There are some factors for the grafts to continue to maintain their vitality and health after being removed from the donor area.

● Temperature; In a 2002 study on the appropriate temperature for grafts;

- It has been observed that the grafts kept at -20 °C retain their viability for up to two weeks. Again, as a result of a study conducted in 2007, it was found that keeping hair grafts at a temperature of 1 ° C prolongs the life of grafts.

● Dehydration; Studies have shown that grafts can maintain their viability for up to 16 minutes in a dry area. This period is longer for grafts that are kept in a special solution.

● Correct graft collection; Grafts taken from the occipital part of the scalp are more durable than grafts taken from anywhere on the body.

● Oxygen shortage; The grafts taken from the donor area are disconnected from the oxygen in the body. If the grafts are left without oxygen for too long, they lose their vitality.