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What You Need to Know About the Infection That May Occur After Hair Transplantation

0 تعليقات msevinc

 As with any surgical operation, there is a risk of infection after hair transplantation. For this reason, surgeons performing hair transplant surgery make recommendations that must be followed for the post-procedure.

Hair transplantation techniques include microsurgical procedures. For instance; The grafts taken in the FUE hair technique are transferred to the channels opened with tiny incisions. Even if the cuts are micro-sized, they may carry an infection risk.

It is always possible to avoid risks. The most important detail is to follow all the recommendations of the surgeon after the operation with no exceptions. The more care is taken, the faster and smoother the healing process will go.

 Hair transplantation is one of the safest procedures. The risk of infection is around 1% and if the necessary care is taken, positive results can be reached without any problems.


Conditions that may increase the risk of infection;


● The clinic and operating room where hair transplantation is performed are not in compliance with the hygiene rules and the equipment used is not sterile.

● Failure to follow the instructions given after hair transplantation.

● Touching or scratching the hair transplant area by hand.

● Participating in water activities before the doctor's specified time or without the doctor's approval.

● Not making dressings or making them irregularly.


Paying attention to the reasons that can increase the risk of infection mentioned above, keeping the hair transplant area clean, not consuming alcohol and cigarettes, and staying away from dust help to have a smooth recovery process by significantly reducing the risk of infection.